January 01, 2013





Happy New Year and welcome to The Sun Went Red. This blog will be a space for sharing the pictures I take [for my 365 photo project], the words I write, and bits and pieces of what's inspiring me. I have high hopes for this year and this blog! 

My New Year's Eve was spent with my close family - my boyfriend, his mom, his sister and her husband. These are the people I choose to spend my time with. They are my adopted family (not officially related...yet) and I couldn't feel more comfortable or more like myself around them. We had sake, margaritas, nachos, and played board games while watching the ball drop on tv.

// Just so you know, I am the one with the scarf, if we haven't met before! よろしくお願いします //

Here's to lots of laughs and lots of love in 2013! Cheers.

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